Requirements: Ebsta needs to be installed by a Salesforce Admin & deployed to relevant Page Layouts.
In this article we will run through each of the key features and functionality of Ebsta's managed package installed into Salesforce. This article covers:
- Logging into Ebsta
- Relationship Score
- Activity view
- Privacy Controls (Activity view)
- Searching the Activity view
- Contacts view
- Privacy Controls (Contacts view)
- Alerts view
Logging into Ebsta
1. Open a record where Ebsta has been added to the Object's Page Layout e.g. Account record and scroll to the Ebsta window.
2. Check the box to agree to terms and conditions and click Sign in with Salesforce.
3. Ebsta will then prompt you to connect your mailbox (you can skip this step but none of your emails will display as activities in Ebsta against Salesforce records).
For a step by step guide for connecting your mailbox, please refer to instructions in this article:
Once logged in, Ebsta displays information and insights relating to the record you are viewing.
Relationship Score
Ebsta displays the current Relationship Score (a number between 0 and 100) for this record* along with the trend from the following week in the top-right. To view the trend over time, click on the score to open up the trend graph.
The more interactions your company has with an Account – the higher their Score. It also takes into account the total Activity count and Days Since Last Activity, but it also looks at the type of activity, its direction (inbound/outbound), duration and timing to derive a single relationship percentage metric. The Relationship Score can be used to identify risks, improve forecasting and ensure relationships are nurtured successfully over time.
* If viewing an Account record, Ebsta displays the relationship score for the Account overall whereas if viewing a Contact record, Ebsta will display a relationship score for that particular contact.
Activities view
By default, Ebsta will be open on the Activities tab. This is a complete view of Activities (sent and received emails, meetings and calls) that have taken place between the Account you are viewing and your organisation. You can filter the view by clicking the filter button in the Activity column.
Uncheck the boxes next to the activities you do NOT wish to display in the view and click Apply. In the example below, the User wants to display only sent and received emails.
The Contact column displays the email address of the person who the Activity relates to and also identifies if the person exists in Salesforce or not.
This person has a Contact record in Salesforce | |
No Salesforce record exists for this person |
If a record exists, you can click the icon to view the record in a new browser tab.
To add this person to Salesforce, click the icon and select to create a new Lead or Contact record.
The Subject column displays the value taken from the relevant Task field in Salesforce or in the case of an email, the email subject itself. You can re-order the view alphabetically by Subject (by default all Activities are displayed by most recent first).
Hovering over the magnifying glass gives a snapshot summary of the Activity.
Clicking the Subject line expands the view to show the full detail of the Activity. In the case of an email, Ebsta displays the full email body including the to/from information and email signature.
The Date column displays the data and time the Activity took place. Again this column can be re-ordered (from oldest to most recent). The User(s) column identifies which colleague/connected mailbox the Activity belongs to.
Adding emails to Salesforce
The last column in the table denotes whether the Activity is logged in Salesforce.
Email is logged in Salesforce, clicking this button will open the completed Task in a new browser window. | |
Email not in Salesforce, clicking this button will enable you to add it to the appropriate record. | |
All calls and meetings are logged in Salesforce, clicking this button opens the completed Task in a new browser window. |
Privacy Controls
Privacy Controls give users the ability to hide specific emails and contacts. By clicking on the privacy icon next to a Contact's name, users can choose to:
Hide email: Hide a single email from view, but keep all other emails and the Contact visible
Hide All Emails: Hide all emails relating to that Contact, but continue to keep the Contact visible
Hide All Emails & Contact: Hide the Contact and all Email communications
Please note if the Privacy controls aren't showing in Ebsta you need to speak to your Salesforce Administrator to enable these for you.
Searching the Activity view
All Activities in the view (including data in the Contact*, Subject and User(s)* columns) are all searchable.
* Contacts and Users searched include all those related to an email so including all people on To, From and CC.
Supported Search Syntax
- + signifies AND operation
- | signifies OR operation
- - negates a word as a NOT operation
- " groups a number of words to signify a phrase for searching
- (and ) signify precedence
All terms are automatically "left in" searches where a search for "connect" will return matches for 'connections'
To search for any of these special characters they will need to be escaped with \
Example Searches
1. Simple keyword search
Search string - meeting. This displays all emails, meetings, calls that include the word "meeting" in the Subject, Contact email address or User email address.
2. Subject keyword search from a specific contact
Search string - zac meeting. This displays all emails, meetings, calls that collectively include the word "zac" AND "meeting" in the Subject, Contact email address or User email address.
3. Subject search including a NOT
Search string - ebsta -re. This displays all emails, meetings, calls that include the word "ebsta" in the Subject, Contact email address or User email address and do not contain the word "re"
Contacts view
When viewing an Opportunity or Account record, the Contact view displays all relationships that exist between the company and everyone within your organisation, regardless of whether they are in Salesforce or not.
When viewing a Contact or Lead record Ebsta's Contact view will display the contact details of that person including job title, phone number, email address and any links to their socials (Twitter, LinkedIn etc) which have been parsed directly from the person's email signature.
Velocity is a measure of the strength of your relationship with a contact based on your email communications (how often you exchange emails, how recently emails have been exchanged and so on).
Connected colleagues identifies which of your team has a relationship with a contact. By default, Ebsta displays the team member who had the last interaction with them (shown in Last Activity column). If other team members have engaged with this contact, Ebsta will indicate this with a +sign and the number of colleagues. Hover over the connected colleague information to see which colleagues have engaged with this contact.
Ebsta also advises whether a Contact record for this person exists in Salesforce.
This person has a Contact record in Salesforce | |
No Salesforce record exists for this person |
If a record exists, you can click the icon to view the record in a new browser tab.
To add this person to Salesforce, click the icon and select to create a new Lead or Contact record.
Ebsta also provides links to any Social Profiles that the person has in their email signature. Each icon when clicked opens up their profile in a new browser tab.
Lastly in this column, Ebsta displays an Indicator icon to alert you if a contact is currently out-of-the-office or has left a company (this is done via analysis of email content including out-of-office emails and auto-responders).
Privacy Controls
Again similar to the Activity view, there are privacy controls to enable users hide emails and contacts. By clicking on the privacy icon next to a Contact's name, users can choose to:
Hide All Emails: Hide all emails relating to that Contact, but continue to keep the Contact visible
Hide All Emails & Contact: Hide the Contact and all Email communications
Please note if the Privacy controls aren't showing in Ebsta you need to speak to your Salesforce Administrator to enable these for you.
Alerts View
The Alerts view displays missing, incomplete and out-of-date information related to the record you are viewing.
Ebsta will display what type of alert it is for example, a contact record, updated phone number, job title etc in the Type column. The Update To column displays the existing information held in Salesforce (if applicable) and the New Value column displays the up-to-date information.
To add a new record in Salesforce simply click the Add Contact icon in the Action column. To remove the alert from view, click the Minus Icon.
To update a record where Ebsta has highlighted an updated phone number or Job Title for example, simply click the Tick icon to update the field in Salesforce. Again to remove the alert from view, click the Minus icon.