Requirements: Install of Ebsta into Outlook & mailbox connected to Ebsta:
Install Ebsta into Outlook
Connect your Outlook mailbox to Ebsta
1. Click the Tracking button in Ebsta's side panel.
2. The Tracking button will turn green to indicate that tracking is enabled.
Note: All links contained within the email body or manually inserted into the email will automatically be tracked.
3. Click Send (With Ebsta)
4. Ebsta's side panel will advise you when you receive tracking notifications.
To learn more about Ebsta's email tracking notifications, please read the following article:
Review your Email Tracking Report in Outlook
Ebsta also provides in-depth tracking insights. To learn more, please refer to this article:
Understanding & using Email Tracking Insights
5. You'll notice that the next time you are composing a new message, email tracking will already be enabled. It will stay enabled so that Ebsta can provide you with full tracking reporting. You can turn the feature off at any time by clicking the Tracking button so that it turns grey.