Following the steps in this guide will enable Salesforce Administrators to install, configure and rollout Ebsta's relationship intelligence platform in Salesforce.
We recommend installation and configuration to be carried out in a sandbox environment and that during the configuration process, consideration is given to business requirements and privacy.
Following the steps in this guide will ensure the correct information is displayed on the correct Objects and that information is only shared between the permitted users and teams. In an ideal rollout, all data is connected so when users are exposed to Ebsta for the first time, Ebsta is populated with all information.
Installation & Access
Ebsta is a security-approved managed package application installed from the Salesforce App Exchange. Installation requires Salesforce Administrator credentials.
Following installation, Ebsta must be connected to Salesforce. This connection is used for all Bulk API operations used in the building of the company network and relationship scoring mechanisms.
To connect Ebsta to Salesforce, API access needs to be enabled. Depending on your security settings, this may be done automatically but if not, please refer to instructions in this article:
Enable API access in Salesforce
You should also check access is enabled to Ebsta's Visualforce Pages and Apex Classes before deployment to users.
Enable access to Ebsta's Visualforce Pages
Enable access to Ebsta's Apex Classes
1. Object Access
Ebsta can display contextually relevant information on any standard or Custom Object in Classic or Lightning mode. Ebsta's front-end component can be added to the Page Layout of each desired Object e.g. Accounts, Leads and Opportunities.
We recommend that Ebsta is only added to Page Layouts accessible to Administrators until configuration is fully complete.
Add Ebsta to Salesforce Page Layouts
Add Ebsta to Salesforce Custom Object Page Layouts
2. Search Rules
Search rules define how email information is related to the Object being viewed. Out of the box Ebsta understands how to relate Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Opportunities. The search rule configuration can be tuned to ensure that only contextually relevant information is displayed. Search rules are compound and can range from simple direct email or domain matching to complex multi-tier object relationships and subject line matching. The simplicity and complexity of search rules are covered in this article.
3. Blacklist/Whitelist Rules
Blacklisting allows for rules to be defined which omit any emails from the Ebsta system. A standard implementation would blacklist internal email domains to mitigate internal emails from being displayed. All top level domains should be considered from all trading brands as well as any potentially sensitive email addresses or domains such as those from HR, investor, banking partners.
Whitelisting allows for the overriding the blacklisting rules. For instance, we would recommend the blacklisting of internal domains whilst also recommending the consideration of whitelisting specific internal email addresses that should be included such as sales@, support@ etc.
Set up Blacklist/Whitelist Rules
4. Reporting & Relationship Score
Ebsta automates the capture of all activity and therefore is able to provide reporting based on true activity and relationship strength. Ebsta analyses the email data processed, Salesforce Contact, Account and Opportunity data and Task data to derive an activity based score that denotes the level of engagement with any individual, company or opportunity.
Ebsta's Relationship Score can be used in place with any activity based metric against the other pertinent metrics within your business to highlight both risk and opportunities across the customer lifecycle be it prospects at risk of not converting, opportunities at risk of not closing or an account at risk of not renewing.
Using Ebsta's Relationship with your reporting is covered in the Reporting section of this Knowledge Base and can be discussed further with your Customer Success Manager.
Privacy Controls & Connecting Mailboxes
1. Privacy Controls
The privacy of the information shared through Ebsta is inherited from Salesforce Profiles. Privacy Controls set the permissions for information sharing within and across teams. Teams can have visibility of information from just their own mailbox, across their team, multiple teams or across all connected users.
A typical configuration would share emails across multiple collaborative teams of peers such as sales and customer success whist delivering contact sharing across the organisation. At the same time c-level resources would have visibility of emails from all teams without sharing their emails with subordinates.
2. Connecting Mailboxes
When connecting mailboxes the pre-configured privacy settings, search and blacklist/whitelist rules are now adhered to. Once mailboxes are connected to Ebsta they can be centrally managed via the Ebsta Console.
Admin Control via a service account
We recommend the use of a service account for mailbox management. The service account can connect any mailbox to Ebsta for data processing and central management by an Administrator. If a service account is to be used it should be connected and the relevant mailboxes connected for data processing now so that users users can start using Ebsta immediately with a fully populated data set.
How to create a Gmail service account
How to create an Office 365 service account
How to create an Exchange Server service account
Connect Gmail service account & connect mailboxes to Ebsta
Connect Office 365 or Exchange Server service account & connect mailboxes to Ebsta
Individual User Mailbox Management
The alternative to using a service account is individual user mailbox management. Users can connect and manage their own mailboxes through the Ebsta front end once deployed to all users or via the Console.
Further Feature Configuration
1. Calendar Sync
Ebsta allows for the synchronization of calendars between Salesforce and working calendars in Google, Outlook or Office 365 for each user. Each user can connect their calendars and configure the synchronization rules, whether uni-directional or bi-directional, and select the events and calendars that should be synchronized.
2. Email Sync (Native)
Ebsta provides an email synchronization engine that will automatically map emails from mailboxes to the relevant Salesforce objects natively into Salesforce. This can be set at an administrative level to ensure that all emails from all mailboxes can be captured as required.
With complex configuration options the user or admin can select which objects are matched to, the fields mapped, the default field values and blacklisting controls. Ebsta provides complex matching options which can include direct field relationships (email/domain), complex Object relationship matches and subject line pattern matching to ensure that only the right emails are attributed to the right Objects.
Set up Email Sync: An Administrator Guide
Ebsta is now configured and ready for UAT/deployment.
1. Rollout
Rollout can be managed as required deploying to certain individuals, teams or across the whole organisation. Ebsta is delivered to end users through a Visualforce page that is deployed to Page Layouts. Salesforce Administrators can assign unique Account, Contact, Lead and Opportunity Page Layouts with Ebsta's visualforce page added, to specific Profiles. They can also create an exclusive Salesforce Profile for users who will have access to Ebsta.
Roll out Ebsta to specific Salesforce Profiles or Users
2. Training
Ebsta is an intuitive tool for the end users however guides providing UI familiarisation, feature usage and explanation can be found in this Knowledge Base. For tailored training and webinar access please contact your Customer Success Manager.