When you are reading documents in Word that contain a person or Company name you can use Ebsta to find out whether you have matching records in Bullhorn or not and can create new records in Bullhorn directly from Word.
Learn more about searching Bullhorn from Word using Ebsta's 'Right-Click' Search by reading the following article:
How to search Bullhorn in Word using Ebsta's 'Right-Click' Search >
How to add a Candidate record to Bullhorn
1. Click on the Ebsta icon in the right-hand corner of the notification blue bar.
2. As I had performed a search of Bullhorn and Ebsta advised me in the blue bar that no results exist (as above), Ebsta's Bubble will open up by default on the Add Candidate screen. Ebsta will have automatically pre-populated key fields from information in the open Word document.
Note: When you click on the Ebsta icon in the bar without performing a search of Bullhorn, Ebsta will open up on the Home screen. To add a Candidate to Bullhorn, click Add Candidate at the bottom of this screen and follow the rest of the instructions below.
3. Complete/amend all necessary fields and click Save.
4. Ebsta will ask you to confirm that you have the necessary permissions to create this Candidate record. Click Add as New.
4. The Candidate record will be added to Bullhorn.