Requirements: Company Network requires Bulk API Access. Users need to have connected their mailboxes to sync to Ebsta. Connect a mailbox to sync to Ebsta
This article covers:
Select Relationship Insights > Company Network from the main navigation bar in Ebsta's Console
What is Company Network?
Company Network is built by analysing all the people your company is interacting with via email and Salesforce. Ebsta parses the email headers and email signatures of every person who communicates with anyone across your entire organisation. This information is then compared to records in Salesforce to create a network of people known both in and out of Salesforce. This can be used to understand the true strength of relationships across the business and to identify missing and out-of-date records in Salesforce.
Missing Contacts
By default, Company Network will open on this view. This table identifies people that your organisation has engaged with via email that are related to Account records in Salesforce but that don't exist as Contact records in Salesforce.
Ebsta displays their name, email address, the Account they relate to along with the last interaction date and the current Relationship Score of that Account.
Missing Leads
This table identifies people that your organisation has engaged with via email that aren't related to an Account or Contact record in Salesforce.
Again, Ebsta displays their name and email address along with the last interaction date and generates a Relationship Score for them based on previous interactions.
Data Changes
This table identifies records in Salesforce that have missing or out-of-date fields, for example a new Job Title or contact details that have been found in an email signature.
Ebsta displays the record name, the data alert type, the new value for the field and the field that this new value should be mapped to.
This a table of all the missing and/or out-of-date records from the three other views.
Results Filters
In all of the views, Ebsta displays the total number of records that have been identified in the top right corner.
You can use the Last Updated filter to adjust the records displayed in the table.
You can also filter the results to exclude certain records from displaying by clicking the filter button in the Person column.
Block personal accounts | Removes records with public email domains such as or |
Block bad names | Removes records where Ebsta hasn't been able to accurately parse a full name |
Block people with no emails | Removes records that are held in Salesforce but where there are no recorded email communications between the contact and any connected mailboxes |
Record Sidebar
In each table clicking on a row opens up a sidebar that displays more information.
Profile displays a summary of personally identifiable information taken from both Salesforce and the email signature. The source column confirms the originating source of the information.
Information taken from person's email signature | |
Information taken from Salesforce |
You can click the icons in the top right corner to open up the Salesforce record (if one exists) and any social profiles in new browser tabs.
Stats displays detail about the strength of the relationship between this contact and your organisation.
First Interaction | Date of first email received from/sent by this contact. |
Last Interaction | Date of last email received from/sent by this contact |
Mailboxes | Number of connected mailboxes within your organisation that have had interactions with this contact |
In Emails | Total number of emails exchanged between this contact and your organisation |
Strongest Relationship | Person within your organisation that has had the most interaction with this contact |
Changes displays a list of all updates that have been made.
Exporting Data to Update Salesforce
1. Select the records you wish to export by checking the tick box alongside each row or check the tick box in the table header to select all rows to export.
2. Click Export Selected.
3. This downloads a CSV file which can be imported to Salesforce.
Instructions for importing this data to Salesforce can be found in this article:
Import data to Salesforce using Data Import Wizard
Bulk API Access
Company Network requires Bulk API access which is included with Enterprise, Unlimited, Developer and Performance editions. If you are using Professional edition, Bulk API access can be purchased by contacting Salesforce. Those using Essentials and Group will need to upgrade their edition.
More information about editions with API access is contained in this article from Salesforce:
Salesforce editions with API access