Ebsta automatically searches Bullhorn based on the LinkedIn, Xing, Job board or online profile you’re looking at and displays relevant content that exists in Bullhorn via the blue Notification Bar.
If a matching record exists, the bar (which drops from the top of your browser) provides a snapshot of key information from Bullhorn.
To edit the record, click on the Ebsta button in the top right-hand corner of your browser.
This opens up Ebsta's Bubble where you will be able to edit the record and record Activities against it without leaving the website you are working on.
If no matching records exist in your database, the notification bar will look like this:
To create a new Contact, Candidate or Company record in Bullhorn for this person, all you need to do is click on the Ebsta button in the top right-hand corner of your browser.
This opens up Ebsta's Bubble and Ebsta will, where possible, pre-populate key fields from information on the web page you are on* and all you need to do is click save to add the record to your Bullhorn database.
* Ebsta will not pre-populate fields when adding a new record to your database from LinkedIn due to their terms and conditions.